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Sue Sue the Funmigurumi Zebra

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When Mama and Papa Zebra were expecting, they were told by Dr. Elephant that a boy was coming, but when they saw Sue Sue, they had to rush to get some Pink into her baby wardrobe in a hurry. A cute girly Zebra she is, with an exuberant mane and just ready for love and fun!

(If you love Sue Sue, please, take a moment to share her with your friends on Twitter by clicking on the birdie below, thank you!)
Tweet: #Crochet a baby #Amigurumi zebra oozing personality and fun: Sue Sue the Funmigurumi Zebra

Size- 18 1/2" L x 8" W

Skill- Intermediate to Advanced

Price- $4.00 USD

PDF Pattern 
US Terminology

If you would like to purchase the pattern to make your own Sue Sue, please, click on the link below. Thank you!

Allow 24 hours for manual delivery of your electronic goods. Furnish an email address that will not bounce back your delivery. This pattern is delivered by email. Available only from Monday thru Thursday weekly. NOTE that if you choose to pay for your pattern using a PayPal e-check, it takes 3 to 5 days for me to receive the actual payment due to PayPal's processing timing, and I cannot mail you the goods until the process has been completed. Thank you!

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Benton the Doxie Dude

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Super cute Amigurumi Dachshund dog with a sporty personality

All the Doxie Dudettes are already swooning over Benton. Rumors were flying about him before he showed up in town. Sight unseen, Doxie Dudettes were already excited about all the Doxie handsomeness that we had up our sleeves, and they have not been disappointed! Do you love wiener dogs? Join the fun and make one with us!

Yes, this cool dude is wearing sneakers that are bigger than his feet, his #1 dude number is also exaggerated for ridiculous cuteness, same also with his colorful jersey! Don't let his Dachshund debonair ways fool you, he's totally ready for some serious playing!

laid back and funny little Amigurumi Dachshund

Size- 21" L x 9" W
►Skill- Intermediate to Advanced
►Price- 4.00 USD
►PDF Pattern
►Pattern is delivered to you by email. Allow 24 hours for processing of your digital purchase.

►If you love Benton, and would like to crochet this lovable dude, you can purchase the pattern by clicking on the Paypal button. Thank you!  NOTE that if you choose to pay for your pattern using a PayPal e-check, it takes 3 to 5 days for me to receive the actual payment due to PayPal's processing timing, and I cannot mail you the goods until the process has been completed. Thank you!

Thank you so much! Your support of this store allows me to also offer you great freebies on my other blogs.

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