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Lil Miss Bea

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lil miss bea funmigurumi bee toy pattern

Many have found Lady Buggsy so cute that it inspired me to work on Miss Bea. She’s just as ladylike and cute. Her whole body is like a bee, and yet she's also a dainty little miss. A really lovable bee!

crocheted lil miss bea funmigurumi doll

Price: $3.50
PDF Pattern
►Skill- Intermediate to Advanced
►Size- 21” T x 8” W (at her widest point)
Allow 24 hours for manual delivery of your electronic goods.
►Furnish an email address that will not bounce back delivery of your pattern.
NOTE: If you choose to pay for your pattern with an e-check from PayPal, it will take 3 to 5 days to process the check and I cannot mail your goods until PayPal notifies me that the process has been completed. Thank you!
►Get this cute and unusual pattern for your collection today! To buy, click on the button below. Thank you!

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